What is the Law Of Attraction?
The Law Of Attraction defined in the easiest way is simply that like attracts like. Everything that you experience is a result of the energy you are producing. If your energy is positive based, then you will attract positive experiences. The same goes for negative energy.
It is the Law.
You attract to you all of your experiences, whether you know it or not. By learning to direct the laws of attraction you will be able to create your experiences, and make your life what you want it to be.
*Imagine being able to have everything you ever wanted - effortlessly.
*Using the Law Of Attraction
*Using the Law Of Attraction is really only a three step process.
Step 1 - Ask
We are asking constantly. Every time we want something or experience something we are asking. This is the easy part.
Step 2 - The Universe Answers.
Always! The Universe answers, everytime. It is a Law that the Universe responds to what you are asking.
Step 3 - Allow The Results.
This is the tricky part. You have to get out of the way and allow the Universe to provide you with what you are asking.
What do you believe?
You most likely believe that your experiences have taught you what is real and what is true – at least for you. However, what you may not know is that your beliefs – conscious and unconscious – have determined what you would experience.
Experiences do not determine what you believe. What you first of all believe is what you will experience. It follows, then, that if you wish to experience life in new ways, you need to examine your belief systems.
The Universe is pure energy. It is always in motion - it is a moving, pulsating, vibrating, magnet like force, that is in constant motion at the core. It is pure energy.
The Universe has been called many things - God, Inner Being, Your Source, Higher Being, Infinite Mind. Or if we are really brave, we may associate it with Quantum Phsyics - the area of all possibility.
The Universe, and its power, is the source of all that there is. It contains everything we desire and is waiting for us to activate it, where it will create, attract, offer us inspired action, and even mold itself into whatever we want. We simply must align ourselves to our desires using the Laws Of Attraction.
We are all aware of most of the Universal laws. We know that there are laws of Physics, laws of Chemistry, we all know that gravity works. But most people are not aware of the mental and spiritual laws that govern our very existence.
It is these laws that we must align ourselves to. To connect to the Law Of Attraction, you must channel through your subconscious mind. The same subconscious mind that beats our hearts, makes us breath, and organizes all our muscles in perfect harmony.
Unfortunately, the mind also holds all of our learned behaviors and our 'faulty' programing. All the limiting belief's, negative patterns, and patterns we learned from the time we were very young.
Now since it is our thoughts, our feelings, our deepest beliefs is the key to connecting with the Law Of Attraction - the power that responds to our desires - then it only stands to reason that we must first break through and overcome the negative thought patterns and beliefs that we have.
The conscious mind does not like to change and will create resistance since it's job is to protect you and it wants to be in control. Your conscious mind - the ego - will use every possible thought in order to maintain control. The ego feels threatened by Universal Power - which we all have and we were born with - so we need to help the ego accept new beliefs.
For example, if your mind believes that you can not become rich then we must slowly introduce the new belief that you can become rich. Once the mind starts to believe that riches are within your grasp then it will start to release the resistance to that old limiting belief.
So what we need to do is provide some 'friendly persuasion' to the ego to help shift the consciousness to create a belief in the mind.
Change your consciousness and you’ll change your life.
John V
Wealth Beyond Reason!
John C. Vincent/CEO/The Opt-In Magic System
Labels: Internet Marketing, Manifesting, The Law Of Attraction, The Secret
Hi John,
You've described The Law of Attraction eloquently. I used to think LOA is all there is...
Until I read Bob Proctor...There is also The Law of Vibration before the Attraction happens. I learnt this from a newly-released Special Report that Bob just released. In that report, Bob described his personal story and how he made paradigm shifts in his Belief Systems to send his Vibrations out to like-minded souls and Attract them into his life to help him...I'll let Bob describe the full details to you!
Here's where you get the Report:
Unknown, At
April 19, 2007 at 8:47 PM
Thanks for the comment Seechung and for the link :-)
John C Vincent, At
April 19, 2007 at 10:11 PM
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