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Monday, June 18, 2007

How To Use Affirmations To Make Your Dreams Come True Part 1

An affirmation is a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something. The truth is you are whole, perfect, and complete exactly as you are. When you say an affirmation such as "I am confident and competent" that statement is true about you, it's just that you might not believe it.

Repeating the affirmation over and over will imprint it
into your subconscious until you begin to believe it. You
will then start behaving as if you are confident and
competent because your mind will have accepted it as a new

Everything you want is available to you, all you have to do
is claim it. Writing and reciting affirmations is one way
of claiming what you want.

You don't have to believe your affirmations.

It is great if you do believe your affirmations, but it
doesn't matter if you don't. In fact, you probably won't
believe most of them, especially if your affirmation is a
real stretch for you. Just keep repeating them in spite of
the voices in your head telling you that you're lying to
yourself, or this stuff doesn't work.

If your affirmation is "I have all the money I can ever
want and need" and you only have $748 in your savings
account, you will likely hear your monkey mind saying "that
is not true, you only have $748" , or "no you don't have
all the money you can ever want and need, you're broke" .

Just ignore the negative voices and continue to repeat your
affirmations. Know that the voices will be there and it is
perfectly normal. As you continue to repeat your positive
affirmations, the negative voices will get quieter and
quieter. They will probably never go away, but after a
while the voices in support of your affirmations will get
stronger and the negative voices will be in the background,
barely audible.

The mind must have repetition in order for you to manifest
your affirmations into reality. Even when it seems like
nothing is happening, keep repeating them. Trust me, it

I'll share a true story about one of my affirmations. When
I was "forty-something" I decided I wanted to run a
marathon just to see if I could do it. At the time, I was
40 pounds overweight and could not run a block without
being winded. I had never run more than one mile, not to
mention the 26.2 miles required for a marathon. I decided
to run the Vancouver marathon in Canada and raise money for
the Leukemia Society. Ironically, my sweet little brother
died of Leukemia seven years later.

One of my affirmations was "I will finish this race" . I
trained for seven months with one of my girlfriends who had
a death in her family and had to back out just one week
before the race. I ended up having to run the marathon
alone (although there were thousands of people there) on
one of the coldest, rainy, and windy days in Vancouver
history. In addition, I trained on flat ground and the
trail in Vancouver was unexpectedly hilly.

It was my affirmation "I will finish this race" that kept
me going. I wanted to stop at mile 13 but I couldn't stop
even though I was tired, hungry, and bleeding from the
constant friction from parts of my clothing. Seven months
of repeating that affirmation gave me strength of mind that
I didn't even know I had. I did finish the race and I have
my medal and t-shirt to prove it!

Affirmations are a very normal way of thinking. You have
been giving yourself affirmations all your life. Everything
you think or say to yourself is an affirmation. Anything
someone else says to you is an affirmation""if you accept
it. Your subconscious mind will accept it all, whether it
is good or bad for you. You want to be more deliberate and
strategic with your affirmations.

People don't usually make a conscious decision to program
negative thoughts into their subconscious mind. They're
usually not even aware that they're doing it. And,
sometimes when they become aware, they rationalize it. For
example, if you find yourself saying "I'm broke" that is
an affirmation. Yes, you can rationalize it by saying "I
have to be realistic, I really am broke." If you want that
reality, keep saying it. If you want to change that reality
then you must change the affirmation, and consequently, the

That is how you form negative beliefs about yourself. You
say things to yourself over and over (usually
unconsciously). When you repeat these thoughts enough, they
become beliefs that you just accept as your reality.

In Part 2... When To Use Affirmations - John C Vincent

About the Author:
LaVera Gaston is a Success Coach and Law of Attraction
expert providing coaching and training to entrepreneurs,
professionals, and small business owners. She is a former
senior executive and helps her clients develop the right
mindset, goals, and strategies to grow their businesses.
She is founder of MindSync Solutions and can be reached at
916-419-3998. You can visit her website at

John V
I Create Reality

John C. Vincent/CEO/The Opt-In Magic System

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