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Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Laws Of Life - Continued


Life is like a mirror - what you put out, you'll get back even more. Put out positive energy (vibrations) and you'll attact positive results. (This too is closely aligned with Law One: the Law of Attraction).

You become what you think about the most ("then why aren't I a woman!"). Our thoughts shape our reality; so we need to learn how to SHAPE our thoughts, as the potter moulds the clay. Consequently, as the old saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for - you'll probably get it!"

"We are what we think.
All that we are arises
With our thoughts.
With our thoughts,
We make our world."
- the Buddha

"It's not what you think you are, but what you THINK, you ARE."
- minister Norman Vincent Peale, the father of the concept 'The Power of Positive Thinking'

"Man is mind and evermore he takes the tool of thought and, shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills.

He thinks in secret and it comes to pass -
Environment is but his looking glass."
- anon

Thanks so much for sharing, dad

13 ("Lucky") The Law of EXPECTATION (POSITIVE):

Always expect a favourable outcome - the best from your actions in whatever you undertake. Be an optomist seeing the glass as "half full" in all your endeavours!

14. The Law of INTENTION (good)
Do things in the right "heart and spirit" with a genuine desire (intent) of some action(s) to make some small difference in the world, otherwise sharing ideas to help others ...and you can't go wrong. (My reason for sharing this piece - "oh no, not another article from you, Craig!")


Spend more time in planning and setting goals. Then spend quiet times in reflection and contemplation to review and monitor your progress. Are you moving ahead, or do you perhaps need to "change tack" (strategy).

Manifesting what we want out of life still requires action and planning. Ask, trust, and allow the Universe's Infinite Wisdom to send you the answers on what to do to attain our deepest desires.

BALANCE thought with decision, which leads to ACTION. Because, if you are going to move ahead in life and make the most of your potential, rather than just ponder possibilities, you will need to take some practical steps, ie. actually DO something, "Mr/Mrs/Ms Dreamer". You have to undergo the process of taking your desired goals and breaking them down into manageable parts. Plan appropriately and follow through - then through taking action on each step, it IS definitely possible to attain even your "wildest" dreams or destination.

16 The Law of HABIT:
Good habits maketh man and woman.

“Try not to become a person of success but rather try to become a person of value.
- Einstein


When one commits fully to an endeavour, "body, heart and soul", nothing can stop you. The moment one commits fully to an enterprise, all the mysterious forces of the Universe, God, Providence, Life Force moves too - in bringing all the threads even the "tangled" ones) together, so that your most earnest desires WILL one day come to pass..

18. The Law of COMMAND:
"Thou shalt deem a thing and it shall be so."

The words we use to ourselves are vital in shaping our attitudes (mindsets). So be careful what you say to yourself (especially negative self talk/chatter); as it might just happen - it usually does! "Speak" desired events, ocurrences and outcomes "into existence".

and most importantly (saving the best for last)

19. The LAW (POWER) of BELIEF:

"All things are possible to him who believes."
- Mark 9:23

Now for a few personal thoughts on "spiritual matters" (note this is NOT religion, as I sincerely believe dogmatic and fanatical religion divides humanity and is the cause of so much conflict).

Jesus Christ understood perfectly human nature (the human condition) and the above-mentioned principles of the mind - even 2000 years ago! The teachings of Christ were psychologically correct and violate no psychological laws, though original in concept and spirit.

Jesus possessed a wealth of wisdom in dealing with people's day-to-day, as well as their spiritual problems. He knew the deepest recesses of the human heart: "He knew what was in man." The very best psychiatrist!


* BELIEVE in the tremendous power of BELIEF (ie. certainty): in the form of your thoughts and imagination. Use these incredible mental tools to your advantage through your amazing human mind. Sow positive energy and you'll reap positive results. If you think your life will be exciting and fulfilling, you WILL make it a reality.

"Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you HAVE received it and it will be yours."
- Mark 11:24

I believe there is a spiritual solution to any problem on this planet. One just has to think "outside the square", on another level, at/in a "higher dimension"... then one's whole perspective changes.

When stuck on what particular action to take, ASK, TRUST, and allow the Universe's Infinite Wisdom to send you the answers through the amazing power of your subconscious mind, our "doorway to God, the Ultimate Source".

and finally, the two most powerful forces in the world...

20. THE LAW OF CREATION: God is a God of Creation, which is why we've all been blessed with the amazing power of the human imagination (the way, I believe we "get divine answers from "another realm", a Higher Power. We ALL have FREE WILL: the choice to BELIEVE, or not: the FAITH to believe that your deepest desires and even wildest dreams can and WILL happen if you can just have enough FAITH.


N.B: THE LAW OF LOVE: It really works! Give love and you receive back far more..

The above principles, I believe, are in perfect alignment with the laws of physics and human psychology (the spiritual is just another (and 'higher') realm or dimension in which they operate). I sincerely hope these Truths (eternal) motivate, uplift and perhaps even inspire you to move ahead and achieve great success: To be all you can be and become... in your business, or whatever endeavours you may choose to embark on in your life.

Have FUN and BE happy as you "ride down the rapids of life"
Craig Lock (Eagle Productions)

Books by Craig Lock are available at:

"Let the light of your BEING shine brightly; so revealing Who You Really Are.

Be a Bringer of the Light, which emanates from the deepest recesses of our soul, God, our Creator, the original Source, the Essence of Life (and Ground of our very Being).

Therefore, it can do more than illuminate your own path.

Because we are all connected (no matter where on the planet you may live), YOUR unique spirit will help makes the lives of others easier:

By illuminating the paths of our fellow human beings down the often tumultuous journey of life.

For this torch, this beacon of light and hope is the spirit of our shared humanity, the character of God, truth, wisdom, beauty and especially love... and I truly believe that this divine spark lies within each ONE of us. It's what we have in common.

Through your actions and your being, let your light, YOUR unique spirit truly shine brightly on the world, like the radiance emitted by a candle at midnight."

- Craig Lock (inspired by the words of Neale Donald Walsch and the Ultimate Source).

"Be the very best person you can be with "loads of" FUN. Become the person you are CAPABLE of being ... and ALL the person God, Our Creator intended and CALLED us to become."

"Even when your own light appears to be extinguished, another human being may light that candle once more, turning it someday into a bright flame... somewhere, somehow."

"When I let go of who (and what) I think I am, then I become all that I am capable of being."
- Craig Lock (as adapted and inspired from Lao Tzu)

In addition,
I love these uplifting words from Larry Chenges, so I'll share to end off this piece of writing...

"I wish you well on a rainy day
I wish you rainbows to brighten your day
To feel your quiet moments with a special kind of warmth
to remind you that happiness can happen
when you least expect it.

I wish you rainbows to make you laugh and smile
to show you the simple beauty of life
and to give you the magic of dreams come true.

I wish you rainbows
I wish you well."
- Larry S. Chenges (thanks, Larry)

I wish you well too in following your dreams and being all you were created to be.

These thoughts may be freely published.

Don't worry about the world ending today... as it's already tomorrow in little scenic and tranquil New Zealand

Other Articles by Craig are available at: growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, words of inspiration and money management)

John V
I Create Reality

John C. Vincent/CEO/The Opt-In Magic System

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