The Law Of Attraction & A Wee Bit More Blog

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Thursday, February 8, 2007


Putting the Law of Attraction in Action is not difficult, but it might require some focus and practice:

*Be clear about what you want and how you will FEEL when you have it
*Withdraw all attention and emotion from what you DON'T want
*Practice your feelings and focus your energy
*Pay attention to the evidence of progress
*Take inspired action
*Connect with the energy and attitude that makes your fulfillment a certainty.

There's a website that specializes in The Law Of Attraction Technique:

Here's text from the site:
Behind every aspect of your life is an unseen energy that orchestrates events, circumstances, and conditions in ways that are just now being understood by the world's greatest scientific minds. This energetic force is now commonly referred to as "The Law of Attraction."

What do you want? Increased wealth? Improved health? More love? Fulfilling work? More freedom, ease and fun? People all over the world are now proving that whatever you desire, The Law of Attraction can help you get it.

When you put the Law of Attraction in Action, it works like a giant powerful magnet, drawing the things you desire into your life. To some it will look like you have amazing luck. Others will watch your life and label it "a miracle." But no matter what it SEEMS like to outside observers, YOU will know that the "luck" and the "miracles" are not random occurrences, but rather the result of your ability to purposefully focus your energy and put the Law of Attraction into Action.

I plan to go into more detail in future posts. I will give you relaxing exercises to make your journey a pleasurable one. The technique I used BTW, was a 90 day program and I started to get results after the 3rd week.

You're going to enjoy this so . . . Stay Tuned!

John V
John C. Vincent/CEO/The Opt.In Magic System
