THE LAWS OF LIFE: Twenty-One Universal Laws and Spiritual Truths
Submitter's Note: Just sharing a few thoughts as I research, study and write about the human mind, spiritual principles and the Laws of Life. This article is largely based upon a chapter, "Universal Laws and Truth" from the fascinating and thought-provoking book, "The Way of the Warrior Trader" by Dr Richard D. McCall.
I believe, If we can understand these "facts of life", anyone WILL overcome negative and consequently disabling emotions, so you can achieve your full potential in life. So this is my reason for sharing (as well as "formalising, clarifying, imprinting and manifesting" these principles and thoughts - 'wise' in my "top two inches", as I do it), together with some additional points and input of my own)…
Now after that long "intro", I'll share the concepts mentioned in this work with you (whew, at long last!) . . .
* Here are the Twenty Universal (and Spiritual) Laws, which I believe, are applicable in ALL areas of our lives:
1. First is the Law of ATTRACTION: When you are well grounded in your life purpose, have clarity for what you desire most, and are focused on your specific needs, the Universe (God/Life Force/Infinite Spirit) will come to your aid. People who spend time each day getting clear on what it is that they want, always will be able to get what they want.
2. The second principle is the Law of CONNECTION:
I believe every 'body' on this planet is connected in the spiritual realm. We are all spiritual beings on an earthly existence. Because we humans have the power of intellectualisation, rationality and especially in the immense power of choices - to act, to elevate our thinking and so choose our level of consciousness, which will determine our ultimate destinies. And we activate our spiritual connection through service to others, a sense of gratitude (or an attitude of abundance and especially grace), and a shared humanity.
3. The third principle is based on the Law of SOWING AND REAPING: In more modern everyday language, this may also be known as the LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT (as postulated by the Greek philosopher, Socrates). First you must give, and then you will receive. The farmer plants the seed and then reaps the rich harvest.
The Law of Attraction is also closely related to the LAW OF GRATITUDE: Have an 'attitude of gratitude' and you'll be richly blessed.
4. The Law of DUALITY (or CONTRASTS):
There is a flip side or opposite of everything. Every negative has a positive (and is accentuatated - big word - by the contrast). For instance, you can only know good, if there is evil. Light can only exist with the darkness. Good luck can only exist, if there is such a thing as having experienced bad luck. And to experience success you must know failure. Even severe adversity can have some benefit, if we adopt a positive attitude and grow from the experience. We can perhaps use our bitter experiences of the deepest hurts to help others.
Perhaps our dark times (the "dark night of the soul") are there so that we can really find joy in the bright days.
5. The Law of CYCLES:
All events occur in cycles. Professional athletes and cricketers (or baseballers for you Americans) might refer to the law of cycles as streaks ("hot").
In accepting the law of cycles, we must know how to make the most of the good streaks. And when times are bad, keep your head up and look ahead expectantly to the upcoming reversal of fortune.
6. The Law of EVOLUTION and CHANGE:
Everything evolves and changes (as pressures and the sands of life shift over time) - the ebbs and flows of life. So it is up to you to ensure you progress and move ahead; as what were once huge obstacles get, "seemingly miraculously" removed..
7. The Law of CHOICES:
The greatest aspect of the human condition, I believe is our freedom: a freedom to make choices in life: regarding where to live, occupation, how we spend our time, our leisure pursuits, who to marry, and so on. Each one of us has absolute control over the multitude of choices we make each day ...and our possibilities are unlimitëd. Stop feeling trapped by your circumstances, as you are not a victim of life. If you are feeling "negatively stuck in the deep brown stuff", make the decision to change your life and choose a brand new future. Consequently YOU have the power and freedom to control your destiny.
Linked to the above Law of Choices is:
You must accept the full outcomes for the various decisions (choices) you make daily.
9. The Law of INERTIA:
In physics the law of inertia states that: "An object at rest tends to stay at rest." This law is true of life as well. Action gets momentum going! The longer you procrastinate on completing that project, the longer you go without acting, the harder it will be to get started.
10. The Law of MOMENTUM:
"An object in motion tends to stay in motion." This second law of physics is again a reality of life. Once you get started, it is easier to keep going and make progress. After the decision has been made, one tiny first step gets the momentum going. You probably notice the effect of this law in action every day. Once you get out of bed (for me the hardest part) and into the showër (warm, I trust!), getting dressed, having "brekkie' and even going out the door to work ('clean and shiny') is 'a breeze'.
Done often enough (usually 21X 'they' say), an action becomes an ingrained HABIT... and good habits lead to good results and good living.
"The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step."
- ancient Chinese saying
11. The Law of SYNCHRONICITY (otherwise known as "CO-INCIDENCES"*):
* I prefer to call it 'divine order'.
This principle is closely aligned with no 1: The Law of Attraction.
You are part of the universe, not a separate entity.
We humans are all connected to a common humanity. Your actions affect those around you and determine how your life is shaped. It is important to recognize that you are inseparable from the events and situations in your life. When you see your connection to the world around you, you understand the control you have over your destiny.
Craig Lock (Eagle Productions)Books by Craig Lock are available at:
Stay Tuned for the Remaining 10 Laws Of Life . . . Tomorrow!
John V
I Create Reality
John C. Vincent/CEO/The Opt-In Magic System
Labels: Internet Marketing, Manifesting, The Law Of Attraction, The Secret